Monday, January 05, 2009

Are you missing out on the fun to be found at Facebook? The new finally wore off for me, but I still check in every morning with a status update and make the rounds among friends to see what's happening in their worlds. Facebook allows you to do that without intruding, and you can leave a comment on something they have posted, or not. I don't comment as much as I used to, but I still read their walls and get a feel for whether they are okay. I have a brand new appreciation for each of them, some of the most colorful, creative and compassionate people I know. We reveal things about ourselves that are not always possible to reveal in a personal encounter, so to me, that's a bonus. If you look for me on Facebook, I'm registered as Ceejay Garrett. There were already several Cathy Garrett's, and you know me, I had to be unique.

The "lack of privacy" bothers some friends I've mentioned Facebook to, but you can be as private as you choose to be. Some of my friends don't post nearly as often as I do, and don't tell nearly as much as I do, but "look, look, my heart is an open book..." (only you oldies but goodies will remember that). And even I have kept some things off Facebook and off this blog.

I've got my handyman Jimmy here today working on the hole in the wall. He's also going to paint the stairwell for me, and possibly the living and dining rooms. I got estimates last week on replacing the carpet, but decided to have it cleaned one more time instead. Eventually, I plan to take up the carpet and put down tile. The pattern I like the most is Salmon by Del Conca Roman Stone, with several colors all mixed in - red, pink, peach, yellow, tan, and gray. The picture here doesn't show all these, but they're in there, believe me. I've always admired Terra Cotta tile, but after I saw them side by side, I liked this one better.

Something tells me it's not the time to take on major expenditures right now. I may buy the tiles the old-fashioned way, monthly, a few at a time, until I have the number required for my 512 square feet downstairs. Then I won't have anything but labor to pay for when they are installed.

I talked to Mike and he was planning to take a shower, shave and brush his teeth before therapy. I'm sure his therapists will appreciate that. And I'm glad he's once again concerned about his personal hygiene. Sounds like we are headed in the right direction.

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