Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Vacation Bible School in the early 80's with my 5 teenagers plus the rest of the church's youth group, that was the setting of the only dream I remember from last night. We were on a large vacant lot surrounded by a wooden fence. The kids were painting, some murals, others graffiti, but the whole inside surface of the fence was covered with bright color. My niece Laura wanted to paint over one of my designs and I fussed at her to pick her own spot and leave mine alone. Mary Ann was quoting some Bible verses from the Old Testament while she painted, and I asked her if she would please quote something from the New Testament. "But this is the law," she protested. "I know it is, Dear, but we live in the age of grace," I explained.

If there is an interpretation for this scene, it hasn't come to me yet. Maybe it was for entertainment only.

The dogs are begging to be let out. I'll be back.

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