Friday, November 20, 2009

My favorite next door neighbor Art just called and offered to reserve a surplus spin cycle for me when he goes to Jackson Country Club this afternoon to check out the exercise equipment they are replacing with newer equipment. I've never exercised on a spin cycle, but I've observed the classes at the Y and realized it was a hard work-out, probably harder than I want to tackle, but I need to start something. My treadmill has been moved to my garage and I promised myself I would start that again, but it hasn't happened yet. Until I get over this cold, I'm sure it won't happen. I'm world-class lazy when it comes to exercise, even though it would help me to maintain my weight loss, relieve my depression, lower my blood pressure, etc. What I need is a heavy dose of motivation. Shouldn't those three factors be enough? It isn't.

I took Mike to St. Dominic's this morning for occupational therapy and his gym work-out. I can't tell that he's made much progress, but I guess he has or Medicare wouldn't authorize more therapy. He had not made enough progress in physical therapy to justify more, so that's why he's doing his own exercises in the gym that is adjacent to the therapy clinic. I sat in the coffee shop the whole time, journaled about a recent dream, watched people go by, caught up on telephone calls, and talked myself out of walking the 1 mile inside track in the hospital. It's actually an interesting walk stretching from Dominican Plaza on the north side of Lakeland, over the crosswalk, and through the main hospital across the street. Not nearly as boring as treadmilling, but today I just didn't have the energy to do more.

Mary Ann took off for Tampa around 9:00 this morning. She's got a long 13 hr. drive ahead of her. She's picking up her father-in-law in Gulf Shores, and he's spending Thanksgiving week with them. Maybe he will help with the driving. She sold lots of stuff at our party last night. I'm expecting to look younger soon. Mary Kay has a miracle serum that has produced really good results, so I'm giving it a try. After being described as "elderly" by a young woman a couple of weeks ago, I realized my youthful looks are not nearly as obvious as I thought they were. Time to take drastic action. I'll let you know if it works.

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