Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Has it really been three days since I blogged last? Yes, I'm okay, for those of you who were concerned, but since I'm not so engrossed in the political stuff, I don't have a lot to say. Sad, isn't it? I didn't realize how completely consumed I was until I quit it. Thanks for your concern.
I had company over the week-end, two of my very favorite people in all the world - Benji and Pip. Then Monday I took some downtime and spent the day doing calligraphy. I started that last week when I decided to occupy my mind with something other than the upcoming election. It's been several years since I did calligraphy, but it came back pretty easily. I'd forgotten how relaxing it is, I get into "the zone" within minutes and completely lose track of time. The first night I did it for 6 hours and it felt like less than one. It's been a while since I went to "that magical place where mind and body work in perfect synch and movements seem to flow without conscious effort." Painting takes me there, too, and when I get tired of calligraphy, I'll probably do that.
I watched a couple of political talk shows last night while doing calligraphy and discovered that I stayed calmer and felt much less anxious and angry as differing opinions were expressed. It's an altered state of consciousness where I'm physically relaxed and mentally calm, a place I don't go to nearly enough.
I've been reading more also. Currently, it's a book by Louise Erdrich Four Souls, recommended by a friend in my Red Hat Readers book club. It introduced me to Karezza, a sexual practice familiar to me, but not the name. Erdrich's book Love Medicine was this month's assignment, but it was checked out at the library, so I chose another by the same author. She has several books in this series involving descendants of the once proud Ojibwe tribe of Native Americans, and they're all related somehow. I don't recall such lyrical language in a novel. I'm amazed by writers who can do that. On Friday, we're going as a group to see the movie The Secret Lives of Bees, which was a book we read a couple of years ago, so that should be fun.
Here are a couple of pictures I made Sunday of my cute grandson.

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