Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Obama seems to be catching on here. I saw 5 Obama bumper stickers on my way to and from the doctor's office this morning, all within Rankin County, Mississippi. This car was parked next to me in the doctor's parking lot.

"Power to the Peaceful," "01-20-2009 The End of An Error," and "It's Time For Change Barack Obama 2008." Nice to know I'm not the only Obama fan on the home turf.

I got blood drawn to check blood sugar and cholesterol. I'll get the results tomorrow. Then I came back home and stopped by the swimming pool to visit with the four ladies who were exercising.

While sitting on the side of the pool with my feet in the water, I managed somehow to drop my cell phone in the pool and had to go under water in my clothes to retrieve it. What a mess! Not only was I wet from head to toe, but I drowned my phone! Argh! It spent the afternoon on the dashboard of my car drying out. If it doesn't start working again, I'll get one of Wal-Mart's cheapies until I can get a free upgrade in August from AT&T. If anyone is trying to call me on the cellphone and not getting an answer, I apologize. It's still wet.

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