Thursday, September 27, 2007

Garrison Kiellor said: Writers never have bad days. Everything is material.
What I want to know is, "This does include bloggers, right?"
My horoscope today says what my mission is, and tells one of my secrets (that I can't be trusted with a secret), but I'm never quite sure whether I tell too much or not enough in my blogs. It's hard for me to know, since I can be quite a blabbermouth sometimes. (Remember Chatty Cathy?)
Sagittarius Horoscope for Sep 27 2007: Sun is in Libra, Moon is in Aries. You're not the best person in the world to trust with a secret. Your mission in life is to disperse information, but you could try. That's one of your lessons to learn in the next two weeks. Practice discretion.
Since I have a wide variety of friends, acquaintances, and family members, I try hard to voice my opinion without being offensive. If I step on your toes, I wish you would let me know. It's not intentional, I promise.
Being the church news junkie that I am, I've read a good bit in the last couple of days about the House of Bishops' Statement issued at the conclusion of their meeting in New Orleans. Bishop Gray of Mississippi issued this response. Reactions to the N.O. Statement run the gamut, which just goes to prove that not only is beauty in the eye of the beholder, but so, also, is perception. For those of you who are interested, I would start reading here: Episcope is a blog which includes good essays from different sources, and that lists links from left, center, and right viewpoints. The comments on some of the blogs are especially blunt and full of raw emotion.
One of the things I love the most about the Episcopal church: DIVERSITY! I will be glad when homophobia is passe.
Now! For some comic relief, click here. Thanks to Mary Ann for passing on this hilarious video, a mom's rant set to William Tell Overture. I love it!

1 comment:

Deirdre said...

I remember Chatty Cathy! My Chatty Cathy lost her beautiful tresses when my bratty neighbor Martha came over to my house, uninvited, and decided to play "beauty parlor." She cut the hair off all my dolls. My parents were horrified, and little Martha was banned from our house. (Her brother Stewart had already put dirt in my Easy-Back oven, aided and abetted by my little brother.) Thanks for the memory!