Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Trying to find a common theme among the horoscopes I read is like trying to find the common theme throughout our appointed scriptures from the daily lectionary. IF there is one today, I don't see it.
Sagittarius Horoscope for Aug 22 2007
Sun is in Leo, Moon is in Sagittarius. The experience you've gained from your recent exploits can help you advance your agenda. You're gaining notoriety, er, publicity, er, name recognition.
Quickie: There's no such thing as being too cheap today -- you've gotta pinch those pennies!
Overview: Try not to worry too much about whether or not you're in the right place -- you should be able to feel the love coming from all around you. Now is a great time to reflect on the people that make your life what it is.
As a Sagittarian, you are a very self-confident individual who can deal easily with situations as they arise. But sometimes, you lose your confidence and you feel lonely. Today, you will ask yourself questions about this problem, and you might start looking at how you could change your approach. For starters, you might want to open up more to others. They will help you if you ask.
Just which "recent exploits" are advancing my agenda? And what is my agenda? I was out for about 3 hours today and spent around $300.00, so it has not been a penny-pinching day for me. ($178.50 for the speeding ticket I got back in July.) I have been picking up good vibes from the people around me, maybe that's the love I'm supposed to feel. I haven't felt lonely today, but confident, and if I opened up to people more than I already do, I'd be blackmailed. If anything, I need to open up less. So much for the silly Zodiac.


George and I had lunch at Walker's. It's been 10+ years since I've been there. The place filled up quickly after we entered around 11:00. We gave up our table when we finished eating and took our conversation to the outdoor terrace where the temperature in the shade was about 100*. Our sympathetic waitress brought us fresh tea and diet Pepsi so we wouldn't totally wilt. Let's hear it for Southern Hospitality!

As a former restaurateur, I have a pet peeve with customers who hog a table after finishing their meal, if there are people waiting, and I compulsively keep an eye out for that. I ate fried green tomatoes with crawfish, and I would give it 4.5 stars on the 5 star scale. The fried green tomatoes with shrimp that I ate at Que Sera a couple of weeks ago get the full 5.
We had fun, as we always do, but today we rehashed some of July's reunion. Most of George's time was spent with a completely different set of people than those I visited. He is refusing to chair another event due to the fact that he didn't get enough visiting time, but had to take care of administrative duties, and I don't blame him. Somebody who lives there should do it next time; after all, they get to see most of those who attended a lot more often than we do.
We also talked about the community revival they had and have been having for the last few years in our hometown. The two white churches and the two black churches all come together for a service in each of the four churches for four nights and each of the pastors takes a turn preaching. The choir is a mix of singers from all four churches, and from what I heard, the music is glorious. It's encouraging to hear that the walls of racial bias are coming down.
Which reminds me, Plantersville recently won the City Spirit Award in the Mississippi Municipal League's compe-tition among commu-nities with a pop-ulation of 10,000 or less. It was based on the recycling efforts begun by Jack Wuichet several years ago, who collected and encouraged others to collect aluminum cans to recycle, using the proceeds to support a playground and ballpark for its children. Pictured here with Jack is our good friend and mayor of the town Gloria Holland. A belated congratulations to all the fine folks who made this recognition possible!

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