Saturday, November 04, 2006

Tonight we're supposed to go to the wedding of Jordan and Melissa. Mike and I have argued all week about what he will wear. His best suit pants are too tight, as are most of his dress pants. He hasn't needed dressy clothes since his stroke and has depended on khakis for dressing up or down. He doesn't want to wear a tie, even though I told him I can tie it for him. He thinks khakis and a sweater should be dressy enough. I disagree, but not so much that I went shopping and bought larger dress clothes for him.

I wish there were a graceful way to get out of going to this affair, but Jordan's dad is one of Mike's best friends. It's supposed to be cold and I'd much rather stay in my warm cocoon and avoid the hassle. If I put my foot down and tell him I'm not going unless he at least wears a dress shirt and tie with his blazer, he'll probably decide to skip it, too. He hasn't had on a tie since his stroke and doesn't want to break a "perfect record." He hates them. Giving the couple a nice wedding gift will probably be enough to preserve the friendship. It's no wonder I have so few friends.

Skip has decided to wait until Sunday night after Thanksgiving to come for a visit. That will be between our trip to Benji's and Ricky's trip up here, so that should work out perfectly (and allow me a week long birthday celebration). He's going to Asheville to see daughter Margaret and granddaughter Grace for the holiday. Margaret recently bought a house in Asheville. Helen is going to Colorado to see her daughter Lillian and new granddaughter Julia. His birthday was uneventful, he said.

1 comment:

Zoilus said...

Oh, cool! Good to know we have relatives in Asheville now, even if they're distant cousins. We're still hoping to move there ourselves after we fix the house up in Memphis and sell it.