Friday, September 01, 2006

After talking with George on Weds, I started thinking about writing a book. Unfortunately, I'm not good at making up stories, so it would have to be based on the things I know. But the most interesting things I know still make me very sad even to think of them.

I always believed the best of everyone, which led to many disappointments, but my way to deal with that was to put it behind me, not dwell on it, forgive, try to forget it and keep going. Consequently, I have forgotten much of it. Journaling helps "get it out of my system." Going back and reading those journals dredges up all the pain and grief, so very rarely do I do that. I don't throw them away, but I don't read them either. There's a great deal of ambivalence about keeping or not keeping. Maybe when I'm dead and gone, a son or a grandson can take those journals and find a story there worth telling.

I am not party to a lot of gossip, out of the loop, as they say. Not knowing anything juicy to share cuts me out of many hen parties. And I was so gullible in my younger years! Anybody could tell me anything and I believed it, which got me in trouble more than once. Early on I decided to "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil," my mother was a master at that, maybe I was taking my cues from her.

My youthful escapades were the subject of many whispered conversations, I'm sure, but I'm also sure the tales were heavily embroidered. A few of the stories that got back to me were so preposterous that I came to view people who told them to me as troublemakers, insecure people who had nothing better to do than talk about other people. I felt pity and contempt for them.

Dealing with the everyday challenges of my life is all the drama I need, for now. That may change. But I'm rarely bored, and I have enough to do to keep me busy. Why would I undertake something so demanding as writing a book? I admire those who do. They seem to have a creative drive that energizes them beyond anything I can do. Reading a whole book requires more work than I can usually muster. Writing one would be extremely difficult for me.

So for the two of you who have suggested I write a book, I'm sorry. This lazybones gets tired just thinking about it.

I'm being warned about the pedant again - Sun is in Virgo, Moon is in Sagittarius. Although you're confident, and with good reason, you also need to have the facts. The person who's asking the question now is something of a pedant. It's OK to look at notes.

What notes?

1 comment:

Zoilus said...

Did you know that November is NaNoWriMo?

I'm going to try and write a novel that month. Why don't you, too? We can form a support staff for each other.