Monday, June 05, 2006

Once you start to see through the myth of status, possessions, and unlimited consumption as a path to happiness, you'll find that you have all kinds of freedom and time. It's like a deal you can make with the universe: I'll give up greed for freedom. Then you can start putting your time to good use.

from David Edwards, "Nothing To Lose But Our Illusions"

That quote was in an advertisement for The Sun, a magazine I'm not familiar with, but was immediately intrigued by, due simply to the above statement. So I went to their website. After reading just a few pages, I added it to my favorites list under inspirational. I would order a subscription except that I'm letting most of my subscriptions expire. There need to be fewer magazines coming to this address, not more. For a pack rat like me, they're a major part of the junk overload I have around here. How I wish a fairy godmother would come throw away most of the kitsch that has accumulated in my house. Even though I don't believe I would miss it, I also don't have the will power to throw it away. Maybe that's a form of greed, too, hoarding useless things.

The dogs and I are enjoying the low humidity we've been blessed with for the last few days. Makes those walks a lot cooler. Today we took a circuitous route thru Harbor View, Windrose, the marina, and King's Ridge. They like walking close to the water, makes a refreshing drink very convenient.

Mother has a 10:30 appointment with Dr. Patel, her oncologist. I'm planning to ride down there with her on the nursing home van. Guess I better get dressed.

2:45 pm. Mother's appointment was with Dr. Carroll, the surgeon, not Dr. Patel. They removed the drainage tube from her side. She fussed, but quickly forgot all about it. The doctor didn't see her until 11:55, so I had to entertain her while we waited. I gave her my reading glasses, sat facing her knees to knees, and held a CHILD magazine for her while she read all the copy in all the ads front to back. She enjoyed all the pictures of babies and children and only made one remark about a black baby being the "wrong" color. When she finished, she went to sleep. It was 1:00 when we got back to the nursing home. She was eating her lunch when I left.

1 comment:

Zoilus said...

The Sun is such a good magazine. The Rays gave us a subscription to it a couple of years back, and I thoroughly enjoyed every issue. I think they're based out of NC, so they come across as Southern liberal (nee Chapel Hill influences).

My Capricorn is driving me crazy. Is there anything in the horoscopes about it?