Thursday, June 22, 2006

Did anybody leave Columbus, Ohio, happy? From what I've read, nobody did. Some are pissed, some are sad, some are shocked, but nobody is pleased. I am in awe of those who have the stamina for all the blood and guts.

Our PB and our PB-elect are being excoriated by all. They caved from the pressure applied by Canterbury, and they have provoked another American Revolutionary War. The Enough Button has been pushed, there is no turning back. That's the tenor of those in the blogosphere last night and today. Next week after everybody has had a chance to calm down, rest, and reflect, it may be more amiable. I hope so. I'm glad St. Philip's priests stayed at home.

Bishop Gray's resolution B011 passed, so I'm happy about that. News of it will be overshadowed by the sensationalism, I'm afraid. "The resolution aims to build on the spirit of ecumenism and mission currently surrounding rebuilding efforts [after Katrina] in the dioceses of Mississippi and Louisiana." The effort will possibly include "relief and development projects, leadership formation and training for personal and congregational evangelism and service with the diverse populations of the region." That's good; I wish we could get along all the time like we do when we're concentrating on hurricane relief. Nobody's faith, or theology, or orthodoxy is questioned. We work together to meet people's needs - doing justice, loving mercy, walking humbly with God - the way it should be.

Trouble is, our mission is not always so easy to see. Fighting for the rights of those who do not enjoy full freedom, serving those whose dispositions are diametrically opposed to our own, staying teachable when we know enough to feel proud, we're called to do that, too.

John Wesley had a saying I always admired, "In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, diversity; in all things, charity." Maybe the majority of us will continue to coalesce around that principle until "Thy kingdom come."

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