Monday, January 14, 2008

I didn't make it to church yesterday, but around noon, I made an escape to Amerigo's for lunch with Pam and Jean. Then I came home and crashed. I only had one glass of wine but I felt like I'd been on a week-end long binge.

I felt well enough to go back to the gym this morning for the first time in a month. After I heard how many other gym members have been sick with the same symptoms I've had, I couldn't help but wonder if we caught something from each other or if maybe the swimming pool was contaminated.

I know they had maintenance problems before Christmas with the swimming pool and the hot tub. They couldn't seem to regulate the temperature of the water, and they were frequently taking samples of the water for testing with worried looks on their faces. Whether a certain temperature is required for the chemicals to work properly, I don't know. I do know, looking back, that there was a great deal of dissatisfaction among their clientele concerning the pool, not something that inspires confidence in those who use it. As far as I know, there are no state regulations governing the operation of facilities like this, no oversight by the health department or anything. I wonder how it works in other states.

I enjoyed the exercise and the camaraderie until I began feeling the familiar pain of shin splints. Even the low impact of water jogging bothers my arthritic feet and ankles and my out-of-shape leg muscles. A soak in the hot tub afterwards made all the aches and pains go away. They finally got the heater fixed and the water was warm enough to feel really good.

Tonight I'm going to the homeowners' association meeting. I'd rather take a beating. I'm afraid if I don't go, I'll get elected to serve on the board. I've done that before and promised myself "never again." The meetings run a close second to the CWA local meetings I used to attend for "the most tiresome way to waste time." I have very little patience with all the petty squabbling that goes on.

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