Friday, November 16, 2007

Gus and Jay-Jay are back to enjoying one another's company, and snuggled up together after breakfast for their morning nap. Gus is back to his sassy, impudent self, and challenged a German Shepherd yesterday. I was awfully glad there was a sturdy fence between the two.
I enjoyed the debate among Democratic candidates last night on CNN. Hillary was the clear winner with the Nevada crowd, and I thought her performance was positively PRESIDENTIAL. Obama and Edwards were booed when they attacked her, so if either of them edges her out of the nomination, it will mean they have mastered the delicate dance of competing with a woman. According to Maureen Dowd, men have not evolved beyond yesterday's notions of the strong, smart female stereotype.
Did anyone else happen to see Tom Delay on Hardball after he took a "nice pill"? That interview also includes Chris Matthews' summation of Pat Robertson's dire predictions regarding mainstream Protestants prevailing in the next election: "They are anti-Christ, women will leave their husbands, kill their babies, and all become lesbians."
His influence is obviously waning, as the National Right to Life Organization (headed by that other David O'Steen) is backing Fred Thompson, not Rudy Giuliani. I'm still surprised that more Republicans are not getting behind the Rev. Mike Huckabee.
To see the Evangelical voting block splintering so effectively is one of the few positive accomplishments of the current president. I'm always encouraged when gullible people break through their denial and begin to think for themselves.

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