Sunday, January 28, 2007

Our choir sounded so good today that we got applause. That virtually never happens, not in any Episcopal church, and is even frowned on by some. "Too much like the karaoke fans at those other churches," the man behind me groused. We had sung the Magnificat in C by Stanford, one of the prettiest pieces we do. It was a booger to master, but once we did, it sounds glorious. Some of the applause was in appreciation for David being back on the organ, I'm sure. He's really got us all spoiled.

I went to lunch with Betsy after church, just the two of us, to Ruby Tuesday's at Northpark Mall. She wanted to check out the sale at Dillard's afterwards. I showed her the book about Lawhon School that George loaned me on Weds. Her picture is in it with the girls' basketball team, and the Who's Who for her 9th grade year had her listed as Most Intellectual and Richard as Most Handsome. It's no wonder their three children are so smart and beautiful.

Mike met Jon and Trish for lunch at Lone Star. I threatened to beat him if he fell off the wagon, and as far as I can tell, he maintained his sobriety. One of the most loving things he's done in a long time is to give up alcohol. It's made living with him and helping him so much easier. He didn't do it to lighten my load, but it did anyway.

Benji asked me yesterday if I could keep Pip for them next month when he has to be in Atlanta and Karen has a job interview in Memphis. It would be in Memphis, so I told them I would. Maybe we can celebrate February birthdays with them that week-end, rather than making two separate trips. I originally thought that next week-end might be a good time to visit them, since we only have Morning Prayer at church due to the Annual Conference going on in Vicksburg, but making a second trip at the end of the month is more travelling than I want to do. Benji will be 39 on the 6th and Pip will be 2 on the 15th. We'll work out something.

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